Sweet Hemptation

Posted by John Duggleby on June 17, 2013 in Music |

As part of a national movement– and now, congressional bill– to legalize growing industrial hemp (not to be confused with pot) in the U.S., Milwaukee recently held a Hempfest to showcase the many uses of the versatile product, which was once raised legally in our country, as it is in at least 30 others.  As part of the observance, Hempfest Milwaukee sponsored a socio-political songwriting contest, and I won first prize out of about 40 entries for my song, “Who Would Jesus Bomb?”  Inspired by a bumper sticker I saw, the song is my answer to those who claim to know God’s will and use it as a rationale for their personal agendas.  It is my first win in a songwriting contest; so if I’m a believer in anything, it’s the power of music!


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