

Me. John Duggleby.


As relatives in my native Iowa might say, “Howdy!” I am a full-time writer, part-time musician, and occasional chicken dancer.  My other titles include husband, dad, grandpa and master of my dog—sometimes. I live in an area of Wisconsin best known for cheese, Bucky Badger– and maybe someday– me!

I’ve written several books for young people.  My favorites include biographies of musical titans John Lennon and Ray Charles, plus biographies of two tremendous artists, Grant Wood and Jacob Lawrence.  I’ve also written business material for adults since the Stone Age, and magazine articles since the Jurassic Era.

For answers to questions I’m asked most frequently such as, “Did you always want to
be an author?” and “Why do you chicken dance?” check my bio.  If you’d like to know something I haven’t mentioned, share a good joke or just say, “Howdy!” drop an e-note to


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