Playing for the 47 Percent

Posted by John Duggleby on September 19, 2012 in Music |

Dear Mitt,

I normally try to keep politics off my web blog, figuring that most people get overstuffed from several other places.  But I just had to respond to your concern about the 47 percent of “takers” in our country that threaten “makers” like you and those rich folks you addressed.

You’re absolutely right, these parasites are everywhere.  Just today I performed for maybe 100 of them at the Central Wisconsin Center for the Developmentally Disabled.  They were people the State houses because they can’t function on their own, and evidently don’t have adequate financial or family support for their care.  Tough crap, huh?  Each of them had a helper—but don’t get nervous, at least those were volunteers giving their time, not part of that government juggernaut you say is consuming us all.  But I know that even some of those bleeding hearts were takers.  Some were seniors, meaning they presume to collect Social Security and Medicare after paying into the system their entire working life.  Others were young people who might have nicked the taxpayers for a student loan or something.  And what were they doing here serving helpless people on a Wednesday morning anyway; shouldn’t they be out there making money like you did at Bain?

I do have to admit to some guilty pleasure, though, sort of like you did for peanut butter cups and Snooki.  The residents are very moved by live music, especially since they don’t hear it often.  I know, go figure.  Hold up a stock certificate in front of these folks and it doesn’t do a thing.  You and Paul would probably say that’s what is wrong with this country.  (Feel free to use this anecdote at your next fund raiser.)

Besides my shameful enjoyment of performing there, I must confess that I was also paid by the venue– which is in turn paid for with tax dollars forked over by hard-working makers like you.  I apologize that money pried from pockets of the 53 percent who aren’t the 47 percent went for something as frivolous as entertaining people who have no other life.  But there’s a silver lining:  Part of my performance was funded by an arts group that is privately endowed mostly by makers who, for some reason, think that things like this are good ways to use their extra money.  Again, go figure.

When you and Paul are elected, we’ll be rid of such freeloaders as the disabled when you eliminate government programs to care for them.  When you make people like those at the CWC fend for themselves, most will die and be out of our hair.  Still, we can’t have them clogging up the streets and sidewalks with their wheelchairs in the meantime; God knows we pay way too many taxes to keep them operational.  I’d take them in, but in all fairness, you make far more than me and pay a lower tax rate.  But since I have contacts at the CWC, I’d be happy to have them transferred off the backs of taxpayers and into your personal care.  To which of your houses should I have them sent?

Your fellow maker,


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