Posted by John Duggleby on September 6, 2021 in Music |

So, last winter my Chicago friend, sometimes collaborator, Romanian piano champion, San Francisco Opera tenor and International Emmy Award-winning composer Codrut Birsan called me saying he wanted to create an original album of mildly scary kid songs with his melodies and my lyrics. When Mozart beckons, who declines?

Our concept album, MY SPOOKY HOUSE, was just released. Common household items take on a creepy life of their own in a tuneful romp for youngsters that is more convivial than nightmarish. And all eight songs are ORIGINAL– no rehashes of “Monster Mash” or “Ghostbusters”. “A young Chi-Town lady named Jocelyn Noeth makes her vocal debut, and is my nominee for the next revival of “Annie” anywhere on the planet.MY SPOOKY HOUSE is available for $2 per song or $10 for all eight, on a plethora of platforms including Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Instagram/Facebook, TikTok/Resso, YouTube Music, Amazon and Pandora. Get it for a little goblin in your life– which just might be you!

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