My new book– Oti’s Odyssey: A Rescue Dog’s “Tail”

Posted by John Duggleby on October 21, 2015 in Books, Otis |

OtisOdyssey01 (2)Otis the Samoyed of Destiny has been gone about a year now but his legend lives on– my new book Oti’s Odyssey: A Rescue Dog’s “Tail” has just arrived from the printer! This 36-page true story is a raggedy-paws to riches tale of rescue and redemption for kids of all ages, including those at heart.  If you’ve ever owned, rescued, fostered or just loved a dog, just try resisting this furball.

Copies are $15 including shipping anywhere in the U.S.  Signed copy? No problem!  Contact me@johnduggleby.com and I’ll get you one!

Thanks to everyone– especially supporters of my Kickstarter campaign– who helped make this tribute to animal rescue and fostering a reality!




  • Elizabeth Phillips says:

    Hello John,
    Do you have a distributor in Australia? A school has just requested two copies of your book: Oti’s Odyssey.
    Yours in books and barcodes,

    Elizabeth Phillips,
    Children’s Books,
    Woollahra Bookshop,
    3/128 Queen Street,
    Australia 2025


    • Hi Elizabeth,

      So sorry but for some reason I just now saw your comment. I’m afraid I do not have an Australian distributor. I shipped 10 books from the US once to a group of Australians at their expense (one address). I can check on the cost of shipping two books but imagine it would be pretty steep. Best, John

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