I Missed “Don’t Miss”

Posted by John Duggleby on March 5, 2015 in Music |

linkcatA friend just told me something I hadn’t realized:  The South Central Library System’s online LinkCat (representing almost 50 Cheeseland atheneums) included my album Better Late Than Never on their February “Don’t Miss” musical list.  I’m sandwiched in between The Best of Blue Note (the likes of Thelonius Monk, Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Norah Jones) and Beyoncé.  You could say I’m straddling the gap between sublime and ridiculous.

If you’re in Southern Wisconsin you can put a hold on the one copy in circulation, but you’ll have to be patient.  Believe it or not, the CD is checked out (no, not by me) and someone else is waiting for it.  Or you can listen to it online through https://soundcloud.com/duggleby  OR, you can order your very own copy from me for a measly $12 plus $3 shipping.  If that rings your chimes, contact me@johnduggleby.com and we’ll make it happen!

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