Clucking Good Time!

Posted by John Duggleby on July 22, 2013 in Music |

I just got back from shaking my tail feathers from Minnesota to Milwaukee for inaugural performances– in chicken costume– as “John Cluckleby” in my new “Boogie in the Barnyard” kids show.  Each stop was “egg-static”:  Mankato with its modern sandstone-sheathed building that loomed like a local quarry.  Lake Crystal, where, in a building multi-tasked for community functions, we shoved the City Council table into a corner so I could play.  Mapleton, where I cackled among wooden bookshelves in a 100+ year old postage stamp of a Carnegie library.  And the total opposite in Milwaukee; a grand 1898 marble and plaster palace that covers an entire city block, bearing witness to the esteem once held for the printed word.  Thanks to Jennifer Cassman and Lizzie Lowrey for making this poultry playtime possible.

One of the best parts of playing children’s shows is– well, the kids!  I would almost do it for the little ones’ hugs alone.  And as Art Linkletter once noted, they do say the darnest things.  My favorite comment from this trip came from a pre-teen who peered through my beak to ask me point-blank, “Do you ever get embarrassed doing this?”  I told her that one of the nice things about getting older is that I don’t get embarrassed by much of anything anymore.

So I’d be tickled to rise some hackles of hilarity in your barnyard- give me a call at 608-838-7834 or e-mail me@johnduggleby.com


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