At Last, a Stamp for Brother Ray

Posted by John Duggleby on October 13, 2013 in Books, Music |

I have more than a passing interest in The Genius, a.k.a. Ray Charles.  I wrote a book for young people called Uh Huh!  The Story of Ray Charles (see books page) shortly after he died in 2004.  Unfortunately his passing was overshadowed by that of Ronald Reagan only five days earlier.

Reagan got a U.S. commemorative postage stamp almost immediately (you have to be dead to qualify), but what about Ray?  Months became years but finally Soul Brother #1 has received his due in a nifty stamp sheet suggesting a 45 rpm record sleeve, that accurately describes him as “a musician beyond category.”  Send a bunch of letters, crank up “What’d I Say?”, and if you’d like a signed copy of my book, pound your keyboard like Brother Ray to me@johnduggleby.com


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