Pocket Rainbows

Posted by John Duggleby on November 16, 2013 in Me, Otis |

I walked into my home office on this sunny morning wishing I was greeting the day with my dog Otis at our nearby lake, not trudging to the computer to crank out a white paper.  Something stopped me in my tracks: tattooed on the back of my hand was a luminous rainbow.  It was then I saw that the entire room was splashed with mini spectrums.

My wife Jude likes crystals, and she had hung one in my office window.  The humble two-inch hexagon saturated my office with enough rainbows for a year’s worth of cloudbursts.  Like of lot of life’s best things including her love, so simple yet so splendid.  Reputed mystical powers aside, they’re just darned pretty.  Next time you’re feeling cabin fever, dangle a crystal in the window and add a little rainbow to your routine.


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