


My books. Personalized your way.
I’ve written ten books, eight of them for young people.  They all have my name on them, but they can also carry yours; or a greeting for whomever you’d like.  Personalized children’s books are a one-of-a-kind gift, and you can get mine only from– who else?– me.  My signed books sell for regular retail price (plus shipping), so who says you can’t get something extra for nothing? My four most recent books, which can be inscribed as you like, are:


Revolution:   The Story of John Lennon

Uh-Huh!   The Story of Ray Charles

Story Painter: The Life of Jacob Lawrence

Artist in Overalls: The Life of Grant Wood (available in hard or soft cover)


If you’re interested in a signed book, contact and we’ll make it happen!


My other books, which date back almost to the invention of the printing press, are:

Doomed Expeditions, Crestwood House, 1990

Impossible Quests, Crestwood House, 1990

Pesticides, Crestwood House, 1990

The Sabertooth Cat, Crestwood House, 1989


  • Krista says:

    Hey John…I thought it would be nice to let you know how much I enjoyed your book, “Artist in Overalls”. My mother gave it to me to read since she knows I studied art way back in my college days. I used to be an elementary school teacher; I loved it. I quit my job because my son, who has Autism, needed my care. When I was a teacher, I had a huge collection of books. I loved to read to my students and your book would definitely be on my classroom shelf and probably on my home bookshelf.

    • Krista, thanks for your kind comments. I’m sorry you had to leave your job– heaven knows we can’t afford to lose good teachers– and I wish all the best to you and your son. If you’d still like a copy of “Artist in Overalls” for your home bookshelf, I have a few remaining softcover books I’m offering for half price– $4 plus shipping. The hardcover is now out of print. If interested, let me know and I’ll make sure your get one, signed if you like 😊 Regards, John

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