History Repeating Itself

Posted by John Duggleby on May 26, 2014 in Music |

There’s nothing profound I can add to the ceremonies and sentiments that will abound on Memorial Day today.  We will honor our service folks who have died serving our country, and that’s the way it should be.  It’s impossible to place a calculation on that level of sacrifice.

The best I can offer is a song I wrote sometime during the Jurassic Era called “Dear Mother,” inspired by some letters written during the Civil War by a Union soldier to his mother back home. (see link below)  Despite the scenario, it could have been any soldier, any mother, any war.  Unfortunately, history does repeat itself.

Are wars inevitable?  I can’t answer that.  Should we try all other means to resolve our differences first?  Absolutely.  What better way to honor our war dead than to do everything in our power to quit adding to their number?



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