Posted by John Duggleby on November 12, 2021 in Music |

I’ve been voted Madison Area Music Association’s (MAMA) Children’s Performer of the Year for the second straight year. Thanks a gazillion to all of you who supported me, and especially donated toward MAMA’s mission of providing instruments and financial support to kids and music programs in need. And if ya know anyone needing a rollicking […]

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Return me to my MAMA!

Posted by John Duggleby on September 30, 2021 in Music |

Whoop de doo! After being voted Madison Area Music Association’s (MAMA) 2020 Children’s Performer of the Year, I’m a finalist for the honor in 2021. And you can help me nab this years award, even if you don’t live in MadTown. Here’s what you do: Go to https://themamas.org/ and click on a red banner that […]



Posted by John Duggleby on September 6, 2021 in Music |

So, last winter my Chicago friend, sometimes collaborator, Romanian piano champion, San Francisco Opera tenor and International Emmy Award-winning composer Codrut Birsan called me saying he wanted to create an original album of mildly scary kid songs with his melodies and my lyrics. When Mozart beckons, who declines? Our concept album, MY SPOOKY HOUSE, was […]

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New song: “Rosie”

Posted by John Duggleby on February 16, 2021 in Music |

Happy Fat Tuesday! I wrote this zydeco song a few years ago and play it live occasionally, but I’ve never recorded it until now. The timing is appropriate, because this year’s Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans is cancelled for the first time in 32 years. So I’m bringing the party to you– Laissez les […]



My MAMA loves me!

Posted by John Duggleby on October 27, 2020 in Music |

I was recently voted 2020 Children’s Performer of the Year by the Madison Area Music Association (MAMA). Though ironically most of my kid’s shows this year were canceled because of you-know-what, this honor is the next best thing. To you who voted for me, thanks to the moon and back. To you who didn’t, book […]


New Song: “Corona Cafe”!

Posted by John Duggleby on June 20, 2020 in Music |

Though the coronavirus is far from over, America is ending quarantining. Dane County, Wisconsin where I live is taking a cautious approach, while others are flinging open the doors with no safeguards or rules whatsoever. (A certain rally in Tulsa comes to mind.) If you partake in the latter, welcome to the Corona Cafe! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-LHfq-uuWA


Here’s to Essential Workers!

Posted by John Duggleby on May 20, 2020 in Music |

My friend Jen Frank created a new advocacy group called the Essential Workers Party, and asked me to write a “Woody Guthrie-type” rallying song. I channeled my “inner Woody” and here’s the result. Blessings to all you essential workers! Lyrics follow: We’re Essential by John Duggleby © 5/2020 We’re the doctors and the nurses on the […]


New Song: “Feet to the Fire”

Posted by John Duggleby on May 8, 2020 in Music |

My new song is a rockem, sockem gospel-tinged sendoff of one who needn’t be named– so I didn’t. Sing along with the following lyrics, and toss another log on the blaze!  FEET TO THE FIRE, BY JOHN DUGGLEBY You know your daddy raised you well to travel down the road to hell Treading on the […]


New (to you guys) song: “She’s a Low-Life Moonshiner (But Lord, I Love Her Still)

Posted by John Duggleby on April 22, 2020 in Music |

Considering that U.S. alcohol sales have risen over 50% since quarantining began, I’ve dusted off this song that I write a while back, but have never performed it actually or virtually until now. Channeling my inner George Jones: three chords and the truth– and booze. Bottoms up!


New Song: “Lean But Never Fall

Posted by John Duggleby on April 17, 2020 in Music |

This new song was inspired by a favorite tree in my Wisconsin neighborhood that teeters precariously over a lake, but never manages to fall in. I see a lot of symbolism in that! Give it a listen on YouTube and let me know what you think!

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